Negative Travel Advice for UAV (NTAU)
Explanation NTAU:
Team WorldDroneRules gives a Negative Travel Advice for UAV (NTAU) for some Nations
At this moment there are 38 nations identified as a NTAU.
Example 1. NTAU:
Turkey is a nice country to visit, but Team WorldDroneRules has given it a NTAU, because
it's prohibided to bring a UAV into Turkey by local law.
So you can travel to Turkey but leave your UAV at home.
Example 2. NTAU:
The Airspace of Bonaire is covered with a CTR, it's prohibided to fly there because Airliners are using it.
So you can visit Bonaire, but you leave your UAV at home.
What if you ignore a NTAU:
Go the de Nation below to view the page. In some Nations there will be a penalty to bring a UAV into the Country,
It can be confiscated or you can get a prison centence. It's your own responsability if you bring your drone to these
kind of Nations. Don't call us to get you out of jail ;-)
Here the complete list of NTAU: